Putting Play

on the Dance Floor

I dance 50 venues around Denver

I travel to dances

When You See Me - Ask Me to Dance

My Basic Rule: Dance with Everybody!

Reach Out:

Kent Davis 303-941-0346


I'm called the Hawaiian Shirt Guy

I Only Own 1 "Real" one.

But I'm usually colorful and easy to Find

My Home Studio

Get on my email list for

specialty group dances

Out Teaching

Dance Video Links

That Explain and Inspire


Note: YOU should ask all these people to dance!

They love to play. They love to dance. They love to share.

The only way to learn CONNECTION is dancing with your "betters".

Even with low skills, you can give THEM your play and personality!

I select these videos for their fun, clarity, and instructional value.

Many of these I go back and "mine" ides over and over again.

Special bonus, though, if I've danced with them {* next to the name}